How to download Youtube Video on Pc, Laptop or Android Phone

How to download YouTube Video on Pc, Laptop or Android Phone
How to download YouTube Video on Pc, Laptop or Android Phone

Hi, I am RD Singh and today I am going to tell you about YouTube means how to do load YouTube video and save on your PC or Android Phone or any other gadget. It’s so simple there are lots of apps available on play store for Android devices and many sites available to download video on Pc laptop but today i will tell you about single site which you can use on both device Laptop Computer or On Phones.

Many people's thinking that its illegal because there are download that video without taking copyright but don't worry you can download any video and use for personal collection. One more think Google don’t allowed you to download any of the video from YouTube because they have launched offline features which are helped Google to earned money by showing pre-loaded ads. But you can download video from YouTube for personal use.

Now let’s start how to download video from YouTube

1. Open browser On Computer or Phone (its doesn’t matter which browser your using you can use chrome Firefox I.e. opera etc...)

2. Type on Url boxh ttp:// or type on google or Click here to Open. 

3. Now it’s showing you Video Uri to download now paste there YouTube video link which are showing on top of your browser. Example (its mobile URL browser URL must be deference from that URL.) 

4. After pasting URL click on Continue button.

5. Now its showing you format like 1080p 720p 480p 360p and 3Gp (so download video which format do you want of you want high quality video than choose 1080p or 720p and if you don’t need higher mb video so choose 480p or 3gp format)

6. after choosing format Click on start button.

7. Last one Click on Download Button (its show one popup ads just close that ads and click back and again click on Download button.) 

That’s it you have downloaded your video you can download video from Pc or Android device too. If this site not working on phones just click on request desktop site by opening phone browser setting and use it and if you are still facing any problem just contact us by Fb or give a comment.

How to download Youtube Video on Pc, Laptop or Android Phone How to download Youtube Video on Pc, Laptop or Android Phone Reviewed by RD Singh on 11:09 Rating: 5
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