How To Generate Netsafe VCC (Virtual Credit Card)

How To Generate Netsafe VCC (Virtual Credit Card)

How To Get VCC From Netsafe
Hi, I am RD Singh, I am going to tell you about very useful thing that we should all know i.e. VCC (Virtual Credit Card) as its name implies it’s a credit card but it is not actually real but it has almost all the features like a real credit card and now I am going to tell you about the netsafe, it is a feature given by HDFC bank to create a virtual credit card and this credit card can be used everywhere like your debit card or credit card.

How To Create A Netsafe VCC

1. First of all you should have a debit card of HDFC bank for registration of Netsafe.

2. Go To

3. Enter Your Debit Card Number Click Next.

4. Enter all the information like expiry date cvv, mobile number and email address click on submit.

5. Enter The OTP (One Time Password) on your Registered Mobile number Click On Submit.

6. Generate Your Personal Details, Login ID and Password For Netsafe.

7. Your Registration has been completed and login with your login id and password to HDFC Netsafe.

8. Enter The Amount You Want To add on the VCC and you will receive an OTP, enter that OTP and Your card is ready to use.

After following the above steps your credit card will be generate and ready to use for transactions on internet (online) because it is a virtual card so you can’t use it physically like for swiping but it can be used for making payments online of anything you want. But this card can only be used for 48 hours when it is created and only for one time and the left amount will be reverted to your original account and this is only for the security reasons and I must say that netsafe VCC is safe & secure from all other VCCs.
How To Generate Netsafe VCC (Virtual Credit Card) How To Generate Netsafe VCC (Virtual Credit Card) Reviewed by RD Singh on 05:50 Rating: 5
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