SEO Optimization Tips For Video: How To Make Your Video Rocket To The First Page On Google

SEO Optimization Tips For Video: How to make your video rocket to the first page on Google
SEO Optimization Tips For Video: How To Make Your Video Rocket To The First Page On Google

Video ads

Video ads have been around for a while, but over the past few years it has become increasingly popular. In 2016 you can expect it to explode because it has been moving on an increasingly accelerated rate (look at platforms like YouTube and Vine) and it stands to reason that in the coming year it will begin to dominate.
Advertisers on Bing and Face book are currently being offered video options. However, Google, ever the game changer, will be tossing their hat into the SERP video advertising arena. This is a strong indication that users are growing more accustomed to online video ads and more accepting of them. Expect to see them pop up more and more. Get ahead of your competition and start incorporating video ads into your mobile marketing campaign. 

Make sure you have a mobile friendly version of your site, or better yet have a responsive design website. 

Responsive design website

Websites with mobile friendly versions have been Google’s pets for quite some time. However, with the companies algorithm update in April 2015, we all saw just how important a mobile friendly website really is. Having one though is just good common sense. Think about it. You send an individual a message on their mobile device and it has a link to your site. What do you think they are going to do? Wait till they get to a laptop or desktop to open it? Not hardly. They would either forget or decide it isn’t worth the effort. No, they’ll click right then and there to display your webpage on their iPad, Smartphone, whatever. Is your site ready?

Mobile apps 
What Google did with mobile friendly websites it is now working to do the same thing with mobile apps? App indexing is one of the next big things on the horizon or mobile marketing. You are probably already seeing the effects of those SERP updates. Nearly half of Android searches are now returning app-indexed results. In 2016, that percentage is expected to increase. Deep linking within your app is what you will need to do to maximize your apps part in your mobile marketing efforts.
SEO Optimization Tips For Video: How To Make Your Video Rocket To The First Page On Google SEO Optimization Tips For Video: How To Make Your Video Rocket To The First Page On Google Reviewed by RD Singh on 06:37 Rating: 5
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