Bombshell : Facebook Getting Older

Its Fact  : There are more Face book (more info) users over 55 years old today than there are high school students using this site. How can you believe this? The shocking revelation is picked up by analytics company iStrategy Labs which captured the data six months ago and saved it for comparison. College and high school users have plummeted by 20 and 15 percent respectively (Where the hell they are going?) But on the flip side users aged 55 and over have shoot up from under one million to nearly six million (more than 500% growth) in mere six months. This is a unexpected change to Face book which started as a network for college students. This comes amid the statement given to Reuters by Silicon Valley entrepreneur Mark Andreessen who sits on Face book’s board that Face book  is likely to post billions of dollars in revenue in five years. When the team of ReadWriteWeb(more info) communicated Facebook about the stats this is what they have to say.

These numbers are rough not actual but- we are going to check on historical numbers internally and get back to you.

These stats may lead to significant changes in the mindset of the advertisers who will think of restyling their advertisements to suit every age group (not just college students). Just think how the Ads will look like in Facebook now?
Bombshell : Facebook Getting Older Bombshell : Facebook Getting Older Reviewed by RD Singh on 01:24 Rating: 5
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