Wow! You can’t usually get
bigger than this. Finally, Google made public the redacted part of its letter
to the FCC, that totally contradicts Apple’s response to Google
Voice App rejection. Google told FCC in response to the explanation given by
Apple for rejection of Google Voice and I quote
Apple’s representatives
informed Google that the Google Voice application was rejected because Apple
believed the application duplicated the core dealer functionality of the iPhone.
The Apple representative indicated that the company did not want applications
that could potentially replace such functionality.
You can find the unredacted
letter here (PDF). Earlier, Apple blatantly told FCC that
they haven’t rejected the Google Voice App and they are still pondering on
it. FCC had launched an inquiry and asked the three
parties involved- Apple, Google and AT&T to respond with reasons that
let to the rejection of Google Voice App. Google also goes on saying that
Apple’s Senior VP of Marketing Phil Schiller had informed
Google’s Senior VP Alan Eustace in
a telephonic conversion that Apple was rejecting Google Voice App. I am getting
the bigger picture now- Apple does not want Google to play on its turf.
Now, FCC has two different
and contradicting stories for the Google Voice App Rejection. Can government
agency like FCC cause any damage to Apple? How Apple is going to save its face?
UPDATE : Apple has
again said in a press
release that it did not reject the Google Voice App.
UPDATE 1: And one more
thing rumors are rolling around that Google even has the screen shot of the
actual rejection page. Let me add a very obvious point here, if Apple does not
accept the Google Voice App then this might be second bomb Google will drop on
Apple and this will be an atom bomb.
Google Drops Bomb And Proves Apple Lied To The US Government
Reviewed by RD Singh