Did You Know? Facebook Gets 10 New Users Every Second: Analysis

Facebook is growing at a whopping pace and the recent statists suggest that every second around 10 new profiles are created on Facebook. Mapping this over a period of day will mean .86 million new profiles every day! Today Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in his blog that Facebook now has 300 million users. Not only this, Facebook is now “Cash Flow Positive” which in layman terms mean that the company is generating more money than what it is burning.

I remember Mark Zuckerberg saying in an interview lately that he considers Facebook as another internet. Well…. TRUE (yes). That is where Facebook is heading.

Total Internet users: 1.67 billion.
Total Facebook users: 300 million.
I won’t project it for very long period of time because web 2.0 is very dynamic spaceand long predictions are doomed. Just consider it for a year (at current growth rate)-
Total Facebook users by will be Sep 2010 : 600 million
Which is almost 28% of internet users and some more! Hats of Mr. Zuckerberg.
With all this good news rolling around Facebook could come out with an IPO much before than what is being predicted.
Did You Know? Facebook Gets 10 New Users Every Second: Analysis Did You Know? Facebook Gets 10 New Users Every Second: Analysis Reviewed by RD Singh on 08:54 Rating: 5
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